Red Equipment UK offers outdoor adventure gear, particularly known for its inflatable paddleboards and accessories. The company offers waterproof bags, changing robes, and outdoor essentials. They focus on high-quality, durable products and are certified B-Corp, emphasising environmental responsibility. Free delivery is available on orders over £50, and they offer a five-year warranty on paddleboards. Their products cater to adventurers, promoting outdoor activities like paddleboarding.
Red Equipment UK Outlet offers discounts on a variety of paddleboards, outdoor accessories, and apparel. Available products include different models of inflatable paddleboards and related gear like paddles, pumps, and bags. Outdoor clothing and gear are also discounted while stocks last. They offer voucher codes that you can use to save money; you just have to apply the code at checkout.
Q. What are the benefits of signing up for newsletters?
A. When you sign up for newsletters, you will get up to date with the latest product news, competitions, and inspirational stories.
Q. How can we get a discount on their products?
A. Their outlet page offers up to 50% off on a range of paddleboards, outdoor accessories, and apparel.
Q. Do their products come with a warranty?
A. They offer a 5-year warranty on boards for manufacturing defects and workmanship issues. It excludes damage caused by misuse, normal wear and tear, and unauthorized repairs. To claim, owners must provide proof of purchase and evidence of the defect.
Q. Can a customer place their order first and pay later by any scheme?
A. While placing their order customers can opt for PayPal Credit and then pay up later in multiple easy installments.
Q. What payment types does Red Equipment UK accept?
A. They accept all major debit & credit cards, including VISA, American Express (AMEX), Maestro, Mastercard, UnionPay, Klarna, and Shop Pay.
Q. What delivery service do they offer?
A. They offer various shipping options, including free UK standard delivery for orders over £50, which takes 2-3 working days. For orders under £50, the standard shipping fee is £3. They also provide next-day delivery for £4.95.