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Westminster Stone is one shop that aims to please customers all the time. A visit to their website wows customers; this is partly as a result of the transparency found therein. They have genuine customer reviews on display that shows what customers have to say about their service. They are certified by as a shop as well as for their money-back guarantee and amazing customer service.
Westminster Stone is a company dedicated to making gardening easier for all who care to pay attention. They are known for garden paving, stone floring, and garden accessories that prove immensely useful in everyday gardening. Some of their products include natural stone flooring, porcelain flooring, limestone flooring, slate flooring, and terracotta flooring. Their products are always innovative and aimed at solving world problems. Such products stand the test of time, despite various attempts by many to imitate them. Westminster Stone has since become a household name, producing the best selling tiller in the UK and the world at large. Through better and easier gardening experience, they are putting smiles and less sweat on the faces of many. You could also get the products at discounted rates using a voucher code from the store.
Q. Are there any newsletter sign-up options available on their site?
A. Yes, Westminster Stone has newsletter sign-up available on their site.
Q. Does they offer any other discounts on its products?
A. Yes, If you visit their sale page you will get up to 50% off on their products.
Q. Can we order a sample on their website?
A. Yes, you can order a samples for only £6.
Q. Does the website have any feature to buy first and pay later in easy instalments?
A. Yes, you can use Klarna to purchase your board and pay up in 3 easy interest-free instalments.
Q. Is FREE UK delivery available on all products?
A. Yes, if you spend £570 on their website you will get free UK delivery.
Q. How long will my delivery take?
A. Orders are shipped out quickly and the delivery time frame is 4-5 working days.