Wolf and Badger Voucher Code for Jan 2025

Ends: 2025-02-28
Ends: 2025-01-15
Ends: 2025-03-03
Ends: 2025-02-20
Ends: 2024-12-03

More Info About Wolf & Badger

Wolf and Badger is the ultimate solution and an online shopping mall that offers apparel, accessories, household goods, and last but not least, make-up. Yes, all these things are available under one roof, i.e., one click away. The store is located in London, has been working since 2009, and is now one of the leading online and offline fashion staff sellers in the area. Wolf and badger is the fashion home for more than 600 designers, working with the company and creating newer fashionable objects every day. Right now, their stores are located in Mayfair, Notting Hill, and soon-to-be Soho in New York.

Well, the store is offering almost everything in textiles, fashion, jewellery, and other accessorised goods in the following categories:

  • Women Fashion Clothing
  • Men Fashion Clothing
  • Kids Garments
  • Jewelry
  • Accessories
  • Home Goods
  • Make up products

They also offer

  • Great Customer support center that not just presents what customers ask from them but also educates and advice them about the products and latest fashion trends.
  • A seasonal Maxine is presented every now and then showcasing the ins and outs of the fashion world with different designer categories.

Brands: Well, stores cover fashion and brands from all parts of the world. It has designers residing everywhere who aren’t well known but work not less than the bigger names in fashion. All the brands are independent and authorised properties of Wolf and Badger.

Important traits of Wolf and Badger

  • Whatever they offer is unique in style and elegantly showcased on their website which is not just eye appealing in gaze but enduring as well to be long lasting.
  • Beauty products offered by Wolf and Badger are organic and completely innocuous to your skin plus body, because brand never used toxic chemicals ingredients in them.
  • All the dresses, jewelries and other accessories are made by innovative designers in creative ways that will give a sole look to the personas when customers have them over their bodies. You won’t find any of such products anywhere else than that of official wolf and badger stores.
  • Moreover, the products by wolf and badger is made and offered under limited editions tags. They make very few pieces of everything this if customers have them in London, be sure that not everybody else will have same design.
  • Products by Wolf and Badger are reliable, durable and made to for long time with you. Their apparels are easy to wash, have washable colors and are usable for seasons after season.
  • Packing of the products is done in the styles of gift wrapping, with great care so that the products inside never lose their beauty and charm before delivering it to the customers.
  • Prices of the products are tax free and other duty charges are also not included in them. Wherever in the world, a customer reside, the products reach to him in tax free rates.

How to order: Customers living in London or nearby areas can go directly to the store to purchase their goods anyhow. ROW (rest of the world) people can purchase online right from the site of Wolf and Badger. All they need is to provide some personal details, pay the price, and the product will be dispatched.

Delivery charges and time: Delivery can take up to 5 to 10 days depending on the location, with £150 charges in the UK, $240 for Canada and the US, $300 for Australia and NS and £150 for the rest of the world.

Privacy: The information that the store requires from the customers is always kept confidential and in safe hands. Nobody will ever be able to access that confidential information because it is kept under restricted data.

They offer voucher codes that you can use to save money, you just have to apply the code at checkout.

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