Environmental Benefits of Planting a Tree

When you plant trees, you enrich your gardens too. Some may do it to provide shade during summer and others may plant trees for the beauty. Nevertheless, the benefits are quite humongous. A cliché school of thought believes that trees are most suitable for connecting with nature during relaxations. They also contribute to our immediate environment. Before planting a tree, here are some of its environmental benefits you should know;

1. Purifying the air
Basic biology tells us that human beings exhale carbon dioxide for immediate use by trees. On the other hand, trees absorb carbon dioxide and expel oxygen – which humans use. We have that feeling of cleaner air because these trees absorb poisonous gases and odors in the environment. By acting as a filter, trees also trap harmful particulates on the surface of the leaves. An acre of trees, for example, is a good source of oxygen for about 20 people.

2. Affects climate change
The buildup of harmful carbon dioxide takes place in our environment every day. When the environment is saturated with this gas, it affects the climate – which happens to be a major concern. But trees have come to the rescue. When you drive your car for 26,000 miles, you release carbon dioxide. But an acre of landed filled with trees can absorb the same amount of carbon dioxide at once. In exchange, they release oxygen to the environment. Surprisingly, three standing trees produce enough oxygen for at least twelve people!

happy women in garden

3. Natural Air Con
If you are looking to reduce energy bills, planting trees in strategic locations is beneficial. By cutting down on the need for air conditioning, you have a fat pocket and help to reduce the emission of carbon dioxide. Green roofs were created by environmentalists and architects to promote vegetation in the home. Not only do communities enjoy the environmental benefits, but they also spend less on energy every month. You can start by planting one indoor tree and notice how much less you desire natural air conditioning.

4. Cooling the streets
Global warming news tells us that the average temperature in some cities has risen beyond the mark. For instance, the average global temperature has increased by 1.40F. A shocking fact is that temperature increases as tree coverage reduces. The removal of trees and replacement with tarred roads contributes to an increase in temperature. But when you plant or replace trees, you reduce the temperature by 100F as the trees release water and provide shade to the environment.

5. Preventing water pollution
Pollutants such as nitrogen and phosphorous abound in stormwater. But trees act as filters, preventing raw stormwater from flowing into oceans and waters. During rainfall, some water seeps into the soil for use by trees. In addition to trees, green roof infrastructure can reduce the harmful effects of stormwater.

6. Saving water
Trees promote water conservation. Large trees provide shade over the vegetation and slow down evaporation. A normal tree needs about 60 gallons of water to survive in a month and they expel about six times that quantity every day.

planting tree couple

7. Source of renewable energy
Fossil fuels are like plastics, they are toxic and non-biodegradable. Therefore, a lot of companies are leaning towards renewable options. Trees are great sources of renewable energy when treated sustainably. Since the stone age, trees have proven to be a source of eco-friendly fuel.

8. Wildlife shelter
Coupled with being a great source of food, trees have proven to boost biodiversity by acting as natural habitat. A class of animals known as ‘arboreal animals’ live on trees while enjoying nourishment and safety. An apple tree is a perfect shelter for insects and produces fruit bushels for wildlife consumption. Sycamore and oak also act as a shelter to bees, squirrels, and birds.

9. Soil reinforcement
Agriculture proves that trees have positive impacts on the soil. In more ways than one, trees can increase soil fertility, reduce erosion, and retain soil moisture. When leaves fall, they cover the soil surface; thereby, reducing its temperature and preventing loss of moisture. Withered leaves also decay and are converted to nutrients for plant growth.

10. Control of erosion
The main causes of soil erosion are rain and wind. As rain falls from a height, droplets penetrate the soil deep enough to facilitate erosion. More so, strong winds damage dry land by ripping the structure of the soil. A tree can break raindrops and reduce the likelihood of erosion whereas the roots maintain the soil structure during strong winds.
The environmental benefits of planting trees are limitless. When you plant trees in your home, the air around your home smells different. Apart from being a part of a good cause, you will promote the quality of life in your community. Besides, healthy trees contribute to the aesthetic appeal of homes.