Tips on How to Conserve Water for Future Generations

To save water is to save a life. Conserving water for future generations is a subject matter that cannot be over flogged. The need to conserve water for the future generation is because of its essence to life and living. Unfortunately, the misuse of water headlines the tabloids. How can we salvage this?

It is important to note that water conservation is a deliberate effort by society. And by extension, everyone must understand that it is our primary duty to act immediately. Like saving money, you have to make plans for saving droplets of water today with hopes that it makes up an ocean for generations to come. So, how do you go about this?

You will find out that wasting water takes places during the simplest chores and activities such as the washing of clothes, utensils, even bathing. But learning to stop the tap flow at regular intervals will go a long way in conserving water.

1. Reduce shower time
Many people are guilty of hiding under the ‘therapeutic’ umbrella of bathing for long hours. But did you know that you’ll be saving 8,400 gallons of water in a year by bathing in less than 2 minutes? If every family member could uphold this tradition, your grandchildren will thank you for it.

2. Flush the toilet Only when necessary
Do you just turn the handle of your water closet because you love how the water gushes out? Stop that today! More so, do not attempt to flush every insect or tissue waste in the toilet. It is an act of treason against the water boards.

Conserve Water

3. Upgrade your shower-heads
Do you want a cool way to save 9,600 gallons of water in a year? Purchase a low-flow showerhead which dispenses only 2.5 gallons every 60 seconds. Regular showerheads are manufactured to dispense twice that volume within the same time-frame. Although the cost of the upgrade may be steep, you will understand the long term investment when you receive your monthly water bill.

4. Check home for possible leaks in plumbing
Yes, many homes have hidden faults in their plumbing system and they don’t know it. To detect these water leaks, always read your water meter whenever you aren’t using water. You can compare the meter readings during a two-hour interval. If there is a discrepancy between both readings, there might be a water leak in the house. A dripping faucet, for example, wastes as much as 50 gallons of water in 24 hours. Imagine the volume of water you will lose in a week if you ignored a leak. Call a plumbing company!

5. Turn off the taps when brushing
When you brush your teeth, you should train yourself to turn off the faucet. Since kids are mostly culprits, it is healthy to teach them to regulate the tap in order to reduce waste. Besides, the goal is to save water for them when they are older.

6. Reduce the chances for evaporation in the home
The simplest way to waste 12,000 gallons of water in a year is to leave your swimming pool uncovered. Apart from improving safety, a covered pool doesn’t demand regular chemical treatments since it is devoid of contaminants. Combine that with the benefits of water conservation and you have every reason to breed a covered pool. Sprinklers, likewise, are meant for your lawn and not the sidewalks. You can cut down the process of evaporation by positioning the sprinklers to water the lawn at specific times in the day.

Meanwhile, you shouldn’t over-water the lawn. In the summertime, you should water your yard every two weeks in a month. During rainy seasons, you might not water your yard in 14 days.

7. Pile up dirty clothes
Two half-loads of clothes in the washing machine uses more water than a full load. In addition to lowering your energy bills, you preserve the warranty of the machine too. Similarly, reusing your towels multiple times is safe to practice especially in hotels.

8. Store rainwater
You don’t have to turn on your tap every minute. Water butts are great options to save some freshwater in the home. You will find a good use for stored water during chores such as the washing of dishes, floors, and more. A great alternative to treated water in sprinklers, you save about 33% of water by manual watering.

What happens in the next generation?
What becomes of the younger generation if we lose the war to exploitation? Perhaps people will go to battle for a pint of water? Maybe the world will be in chaos for that 0.1% freshwater left? Or there wouldn’t be any generation after us when everyone dies from thirst?

It is both safe and sane that we give priority to water conservation before these water resources become extinct. We all have a shared responsibility to give the next generation a chance to pass on the natural resources to those after them. While the clock ticks, save droplets of water in your little way.